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The Epistles of James

The Epistle of James "How to Build a Sturdy Faith"  "Introduction to James"
James 1:1-4
September 2, 2018 - Dr. Robert Oliver
The Epistle of James "How to Build a Sturdy Faith"  "Responding Rightly to Trials"
James 1:5-8
September 9, 2018 - Dr. Robert Oliver
The Epistle of James "How to Build a Sturdy Faith"  #6 "The Marks of True Religion"
James 1:22-27
October 7, 2018 - Dr. Robert Oliver
The Epistle of James "How to Build a Sturdy Faith"  #8  "Living Under the Law of Freedom"  James 2:10-13
October 28, 2018 - Dr. Robert Oliver
The Epistle of James "How to Build a Sturdy Faith"  #10 "Justified Before Men"  
James 2:14-26
November 11, 2018 - Dr. Robert Oliver
The Epistle of James "How to Build a Sturdy Faith"  #1  "The Benefits of Endurance"
 James 1:9-11
September 16, 2018 - Dr. Robert Oliver
The Epistle of James "How to Build a Sturdy Faith"  #7  "The Perils of Playing Favorites" James 2:1-9
October 14, 2018 - Dr. Robert Oliver
The Epistle of James "How to Build a Sturdy Faith"  #9 Justification by Works?! 
James 2:14-26
November 4, 2018 - Dr. Robert Oliver
The Epistle of James "How to Build a Sturdy Faith"  #11 "Learning to be Slow"  
James 3:1-12
November 18, 2018 - Dr. Robert Oliver
The Epistle of James "How to Build a Sturdy Faith"  #12 "True Wisdom"   
James 3:13-18
November 25, 2018 - Dr. Robert Oliver
The Letter of James:  Building A Sturdy Faith
Humility in the Material World
James 4:13 - 5:6
January 27, 2019 - Dr. Robert Oliver
The Letter of James:  Building A Sturdy Faith
"Does It Really Matter if We Pray?"
James 5:13-18
February 10, 2019 - Dr. Robert Oliver
The Letter of James:  Building A Sturdy Faith
"The Kingdom Strikes Back"
James 5:7-12
February 3, 2019 - Dr. Robert Oliver
The Letter of James:  Building A Sturdy Faith
"The Ministry of Pursuing Prodigals"
James 5:19,20
February 17, 2019 - Dr. Robert Oliver
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